Mastering Sarf

Sarf is the study of the structure of words, enabling you to identify root letters and patterns. 

Sarf is often translated as ‘morphology’. The actual meaning of sarf is “the metamorphosing or changing of the ‘asl (base/root word) to many different examples so as to achieve meanings that could not otherwise be achieved” 

The science of sarf is mostly related to verbs and that which derives from them. This change is done to stretch the meaning and to also make pronunciation easy upon the tongue.

23 pre recorded lessons

  • Certified Course

  • 23 lessons

  • 75 minutes per lesson

  • Introduction to Fa'el- tenses- Sentence structure -introduction to Baabs-Thulaathi mujjarad- Thulaathi Maeeed fih- Quranic Analysis

  • No live sessions - so you do not have to be online at any specific time to take the course. You can access the course whenever it is convenient for you, from anywhere in the world.

  • 23 Self paced sessions. Listen to all lessons, at the comfort of your own pace. All lessons are explained with multiple examples using on white board presentations.

  • Recordings will be made available for a specified time limit ONLY

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