Calmness is your greatest Superpower

The ability to stay balanced, relaxed and aligned during pressure is staying Calm.

Calmness is a mental state we all must strive to attain. Calmness is the inner peace we are all looking for. An inner peace that lessens our anxieties, our stress levels, our worries and even balances our excitement. We must 'know' what calmness is, and how to use it. Once you harness your calmness, it acts like a protective shield that you wear. A shield that protects you from the toxicity and negativity of people around you, or the out of control spinning of life. Allowing you to then become focused towards your aims in this Life.

About the series

The ability to manage your emotions and remain calm under pressure has a direct link to your performance in anything you do. Insha'Allah in this series we will tackle issues that effect our calm state of mind; and also train the way we think and approach problems and conflicts. Each topic will address a specific problem and Insha'Allah we will try to delve deep into the root cause with more holistic perspective.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    What takes my peace away

    • Finding Calm within myself

    • Finding Calm (Students' reflection)

Sessions Details

  • Live sessions are held on site at various locations. (Note:Some sessions are live online & onsite whereas, some are live onsite only.)

  • All live sessions are recorded, and will be made available to students upon purchasing the course.

  • Registered students can access recordings, and benefit from them at your own pace in the comfort of your home.

  • Eligibility: 15+

  • one time payment of US$13 for the entire series

Register me to - Finding Calm

£9.44 approx.

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