Living with Iman (faith) is Servitude (Ibadaah) towards Allah !
There is no sin more deserving of having punishment meted out by Allah (upon its perpetrator) in this worldly life & the Akhirah, than oppression and severing ties of family (Tirmidhi)
Every Muslims is a recipient, guardian and an executor of Allah's will on this earth. A believers duty is to act in defense to Allah's command and to what is right.
The preservation of this social order depends on each and every member of that society freely adhering to the same moral principles and practices.
About this course
This course is focused towards understanding relationships and individual human needs and desires within the context of the way we feel, interact, connect with ourselves and others around us. The important aspects of this course revolve around:
- When it comes to relationships, why we feel the way we feel?
- How can we understand the other person's perspective and their behaviour.
- Why do people behave in the way they do?
- Is it right that my relatives use me, and take advantage of my kindness?
- Where do I draw the line, when it comes to relatives?
- What is TOXIC and when is it 'me' over reacting?
- Finding solutions that are faith based, techniques and strategies that actually work and give clarity into what is actually happening between our relationships and how we can make healthy choices moving forward.
Course Details
pre recorded sessions
"My relationship with Allah" / "My relationship with myself"
"My relationship with my spouse"
"My relationship with my children "
"My relationship with Family (extended/in laws)"
Registered students can access recordings, and benefit from them at your own pace in the comfort of your home.
Recordings will be available for all registered students for a total number of 60 days from the purchase of the course.
Eligibility: 14+
One time payment of US$ 70 for the course. (approx- £62)
Register me to - Relationships
£62.08 (approx)
Queries-WhatsApp-msg only 0044 7414 574992
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Use subject: Financial help needed.
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